If Only, Sustainability Policy

Call Our Reservation Specialists: 0141 955 4000

Open Today: 09:00 - 17:00


This Sustainability Policy encapsulates the guidelines, principles, and strategies crafted to realise our sustainability objectives, offering a comprehensive approach that considers environmental, social, and economic factors for the enduring well-being of society and the planet. We address critical issues such as climate change, energy conservation, resource management, waste reduction, biodiversity, and social equity. The overarching goal is to mitigate negative impacts on the environment while fostering responsible practices that amplify sustainability.

Environmental sustainability

We will measure and take action to reduce our carbon footprint

We have begun an initiative to monitor how much plastic is produced by the Glasgow office, and implemented a Plastic Policy to lessen our waste production with particular focus on single-use plastics. A plastic-free office and accompanying sustainable culture will help us to reduce carbon emissions; of greatest importance is the elimination of single-use plastics

We will encourage our suppliers to adopt eco-friendly practices and highlight accommodation and transportation options that prioritise sustainability

We will promote sustainable holiday options to our customers and encourage them to reduce their environmental impact during their travels

We will take care to promote holidays that embrace a responsible approach to the welfare of wildlife and preservation of biodiversity

Environmental sustainability

Social sustainability

We believe in fair and ethical treatment of our employees, suppliers, and local communities

We believe in improving working conditions for our staff enriching their lives through a strong and rewarding community at work

We will support local economies by promoting local businesses and encouraging our customers to purchase local products and services

We will support charitable causes

Social sustainability

Economic sustainability

We will strive to operate a profitable business while minimizing waste and inefficiencies

We will prioritise sustainable tourism practices that have long-term economic benefits for the communities we operate in

We will work with suppliers and other stakeholders to develop tourism products that meet the needs of both visitors and the local economy

Economic sustainability

Continuous improvement

We will regularly review and update our sustainability policy to ensure it reflects our business goals and the evolving sustainability challenges of the industry

We will measure and report on our progress towards our sustainability targets to hold ourselves accountable

We will engage with our customers, suppliers, and staff to solicit feedback and ideas for improvement

Continuous improvement

By implementing this sustainability policy our business can demonstrate its commitment to sustainable and responsible tourism practices while also meeting the needs and expectations of our customers.